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BBQ Beef Jerky


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I made BBQ beef jerky. I just kind of played around with it. It ended up with way too much liquid. This was my first time using solid meat. I was going to use flank but it was very expensive so I went with top round. It started as 1.49 lbs but by the time I trimmed the fat, it was just over 1 lbs + 3.5 oz (I didn't think I took that much off. Starting was from the package and the end was weighed at home).

The marinade was as follows: Note that if I do this again, it has to be a lot less liquid.

I marinated overnight then blotted off the beef (didn't rinse) and dried for about 5 hrs on 160.

Next time, I would dry at 160 for an hour then bring it down. I liked it a lot but it was a bit dry. I'd have to be more careful about lower temps though.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 9639, 2015-02-21_131101